Ingenium Research


Unveiling the nocturnal workforce (Feb 2024)

Taking a closer look at Australia’s after-hours employees

Beyond the hustle and bustle of the typical nine-to-five, there’s a substantial portion of Australia’s workforce burning the midnight oil. In this short report, we delve into the numbers, to shine a light on the workers operating during the night time hours.

Leveraging a mix of Australian Bureau of Statistics datasets, we have developed an approach to understand the scale of Australia’s night time workforce, drawing attention to the many Australian professionals that find themselves immersed in their roles well beyond the traditional working hours. This data is particularly pertinent given the growing interest in night time and 24-hour economies worldwide.

The night time workforce are often unsung heroes of productivity, playing a crucial role in keeping the wheels of industry turning smoothly and providing essential services. Behind these statistics are countless stories of commitment and dedication. It’s about time we recognise and appreciate the silent efforts that sustains operations while most of Australians are at rest.

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